
Love is Boss. Some benefits of listening to your heart

Heart so big so frail

Beating strong deep love, deep joy

I’m listening, Love. — Miko Hargett

When Love is boss. Quote by Miko Hargett - Selfie of Miko, eyes closed, listening to music
When Love is boss. My world opens up. – Miko Hargett

There’s an empowering accountability that comes from acting from the heart instead of the head. You become the real boss.

A new sort of goodness emerging I feel – you gotta get unplugged, put your phone down, don’t look at it early in the morning or before bed so many hours because of the light activating your brain, I get it.

But I watched myself turn this into a criticism fest – a new way to be hard on myself.

So I let it all go. I traded it for being present and pausing before taking action, whether it’s on my phone or reaching out to someone.

Present with what? With my why. Why am I doing this now? Present with the feeling. Big deep breaths. Being ok with it all.

It’s easy to go into my head. It’s refuge from my physical pain. But the more my breath becomes my refuge, and my attention to it my own careful love, I can be there with my own pain. I can love myself through this moment. I can own it. It’s liberating. I’m not right, I’m right here – trading rules for real. For a deeper love.

And yes, I can check my phone whenever I well please. Because it’s my life and I’m wide awake.

When I do this I remember all things begin to fall into balance in my mind, body and heart.

The things that hurt me no longer grip me, they fall away. They’re not me. I’m not my pain. Knowing myself in pain gives me greater insight, wisdom and compassion. Life is richer with those things.

Life is richer than rules and regulations although they help us. Life is about how deep and broad and high we can go with our joy.

I’m preaching myself a little sermon this morning. Best one I’ve ever felt.

I will not be positive for you. I will be me. This is love embodied. I gift it to myself. 💝

It’s a beautiful thing, just being your own kind of deep dark beautiful bright love. Seeing who can be there with you, knowing that regardless of the others, you are there for you.

I am here for me.

Hugs from inside.

Love, Miko


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#author #woman #poet #haiku #allbymyselfies

By mikohargett

A rogue consciousness adjusting to her new body. Navigating life after cancer with a big vision to help build a healthier, more inspired world through web design and promoting integrative health and self-care. Hello Miko Care!

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